33 Psychology Research Paper Topics

Science has various branches of which psychology is one of them. Without doubt, psychology has an impact on our subconscious as everything we do today is influenced by it. As a psychology student who will be writing a research paper soon, there are numerous topics available for research on the aspects of psychology – developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and clinical psychology.

There are a good number of topics you can draw inspiration from to write your research paper.

Developmental Psychology Research Topics

  1. Parenting methods that have been blacklisted by Child Psychology
  2. The role of media in facilitating violence.
  3. Parental development influence on child development
  4. Why do psychopaths behave the way they do?
  5. What factors create violence in children?

Abnormal Psychology Research Topics

  1. Extreme personality flaws and their effect on behavior
  2. Deceitfulness, Truthfulness and their effect on behavior
  3. The psychology of phobias
  4. Social aversion in the modern era
  5. Cognition and Teenage Suicide
  6. What are some of the underlying causes of being deviant?
  7. Underlying reasons behind psychopathy
  8. Cannibalism in African cultures – what can be changed in today’s society?
  9. Periodic Disorders and their impact in certain societies

Research Topics in the Psychology of mental processes

  1. Colors in Cognitive psychology
  2. Strategies for measuring attention span accurately in children
  3. Memory loss: the source and the solution
  4. Factors that contribute to children’s Problem-solving tendencies
  5. Relationship between speech impediment and cognition of children
  6. Standard measurement procedures of problem solving abilities in children

Social Psychology Research Topics

  1. Importance of bystanders effect on social psychology
  2. Interpersonal relationships in shaping behaviours
  3. The effect of a family member’s learning disabilities on the whole family unit
  4. Prosocial behaviours in social psychology
  5. Effects of relocation on children mental health processes
  6. Effects of eating disorders on society
  7. The importance of social identity in modern society
  8. The best family therapy techniques for children with behavioural disorders

Clinical Psychology Research Topics

  1. Cognitive clinical procedures as solution for Anxiety
  2. Modifying Criminals’ behaviors; a cognitive approach
  3. The impact of abuse and trauma in relationships
  4. Physiological effects on insomnia
  5. Agoraphobia; the best strategy for solution


Psychology research topics are inexhaustible. Hence, the above-listed topics do not contain all the topics under psychology. We hope you will get a subject to use as a sample to start your research paper. Good luck!


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