Getting a Proofread Sample of a Doctoral Dissertation

When a student gets to the stage that they are writing a doctoral dissertation, attention to detail has never been more significant. It’s always important but doubly so when you get to the dissertation level. Here you will have spent months possibly years researching and writing your opus. What you want is not only to make an excellent paper written but you want to ensure that its presentation matches the quality of your prose.

One of the outstanding benefits of the digital revolution is that individuals are able to display their handiwork in a way never known before. Before the Internet a student would write their doctoral dissertation and hopefully have it approved and that, more or less, would be the end of it. The educational institution would have a copy of the dissertation on file but how many people will bother to attend that educational institution and take the trouble to go to the library and find the written material? Clearly, very few, but that is no longer a problem.

You are a doctoral dissertation student and you want to study examples of dissertations with a view to improving the writing of your own. Not only do colleges now make available via their website the work of students at the college, individual teachers and professors do the same thing. You can go online and find websites set up by an individual academic who places the dissertations of their students written over the years.

So what type of dissertation should I look for?

Well how long is a piece of string? Obviously if you are writing or planning to write your dissertation in a particular field, it makes sense to study previous dissertations which are pretty much in that ballpark area. It gives you the opportunity to see how another student tackled a particular and specific topic. You can always learn from reading the work of others.

And what you particularly need to look out for in seeking examples is to find the finished product. It must have been edited and proofread. You will know that there are thousands of words involved in a doctoral dissertation. Not only must the basics of spelling and grammar be spot on as far as correctness is concerned, but so too must the flow of language, the avoidance of repetition and the overall presentation of the work.

When you are seeking out samples of doctoral dissertations, always look for comments or grades if given because the best examples will be the best teachers.


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